About Us

Oneworld International Partners was born to help your business grow


Letter from the Executive Director

When I was a child, I had the opportunity to study in private schools even though I came from a lower middle class family. I was given this opportunity by my uncles who funded a part of my school fees. As a result, I was able to take part in all the basic activities that the school offered but unfortunately, when June came round my suffering began. Most of my classmates went on the trip to Disney, which was offered to students at the school by a travel agency every year. I, of course, never had the money to go on this dream trip. In August, on our return from vacation, we had to write the standard essay on what we had done. After several years of listening to everyone describing, in detail, the adventures that they had had at Disney, and I talked about life in my neighborhood, I wrote an essay saying that one day I would go to Disney and that one day I would help people who dreamt big to achieve their goals. Today, after living in the United States for 20 years, I have been to Disney several times, and I help my customers achieve their dreams of doing business here and earning in dollars. This satisfaction fuels a promise I made to myself, and to this day I keep my promises.
This is why, I promise you, OneWorld customer that if your dream is to start a business in the United States, earn in dollars, invest in properties or even become a US citizen, we have all the resources to make your dream come true.
All the best,

Karla Bledsoe

Quando criança, tive a oportunidade de estudar em escolas particulares mesmo vindo de uma família de classe média baixa. A oportunidade foi me oferecida devido a ajuda de tios que financiavam parte da minha escola. Com isso, eu conseguia participar de todas as atividades básicas que a escolar oferecia, mais infelizmente, quando o mês de Junho chegava começava o meu sofrimento. A maioria dos meus amigos de sala participavam todos os anos da viagem a Disney, oferecida a alunos da escola através de uma agência de turismo. Eu claro, jamais teria condições financeiras de participar desta tão sonhada viagem. No mês de Agosto, quando voltávamos das férias, tínhamos que fazer a famosa, redação, contando nossas experiências. Depois de vários anos ouvindo todos
descreverem, detalhadamente, as aventuras que passaram na Disney, e eu as aventuras do meu bairro, eu escrevi uma redação contando que um dia eu iria a Disney e um dia eu iria ajudar várias pessoas que sonhavam alto a alcançar seus objetivos. Hoje, após 20 anos morando nos Estados Unidos, já fui a Disney várias vezes, e ajudo meus clientes a realizarem o sonho de fazer negócios aqui e ganhar em dólar. Essa satisfação alimenta uma promessa que fiz a mim mesma, e até hoje cumpro as minhas promessas. Com isso, prometo a você, cliente da OneWorld que se o seu sonho for começar um negócio nos Estados Unidos, ganhar em dólar, investir em propriedades e até mesmo se tornar um cidadão Americano, temos todos os recursos para transformar seu sonho em realidade.
Um grande abraço,

Robert nixa

About Us

What is OneWorld International Partners?

OneWorldpartner is your best option for internationalizing your business. OWIP believes that entrepreneurship needs to be seen and implemented without borders. Therefore, it supports its clients through diagnoses, market research, opening of channels, regulatory and legal solutions in order to facilitate entry and development of new markets. It has performed outstandingly in the American, Brazilian and Chinese markets.

OneWorld International Partners believes that the internationalization of people comes before the internationalization of companies. Therefore, OneWorld International Partners also offers a set of solutions for individuals who wish to acquire prior experience in other markets, through simple actions such as opening a checking account, setting up companies, support for obtaining credit cards, as well as investment support. These actions, when coordinated, supervised and carried out repeatedly, reduce what is called the psychological distance.

OWIP Vision and Values

Our Vision and Values

We aim to be the main company in the field of business and people internationalization in the United States, China and Brazil in five years. Our values are:

OWIP Mission

Our Mission

To transform local businesses into global businesses

Oneworld International Partners


IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 3,000.00

Full event including race day

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Voucher (For Columbia's club members)

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 1,000.00

1 day of event: Doing Business in LATAM + Exclusive Dinner + Carb Day

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Voucher (For Columbia's club members)

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 300.00

Carb Day Suite

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Phone *

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 450.00

Second day of the event: Doing Bussines in LATAM + Exclusive Dinner

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Phone *

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 300.00

Second day of the event: Doing Business in LATAM

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Phone *

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 300.00

First day of event: Doing Business in the US

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Phone *

Ticket IBS 2024

U$ 3.000,00

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E-mail *
Telefone *

International Business Summit 2024

If you are interested in knowing how to accelerate your business, fill in the information below and we will contact you.

IBS 2024 - Form English

International Business Summit 2024

Se você tem interesse em saber como acelerar seus negócios preencha os dados abaixo e entraremos em contato com você.

IBS 2024 - Form

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