Purdue University – Office Of Industry Partnsehips is Official Supporter of Summit 2023

OneWorld International Partners (OWIP), in partnership with Cerqueira Leite Advogados Associados and the Columbian Business Network (CBN), is pleased to announce Purdue University – Office Of Industry Partnsehips is Official Supporter of Summit 2023 as the newest official sponsor of the International Business Summit 2023.

Purdue University, founded in 1869, is located in West Lafayette, Indiana. Today, the university has the second-largest student body of any in the state of Indiana, and the second-largest of any university in the United States by number of international students.

Purdue’s engineering program has also produced 23 US astronauts, including Neil Armstrong and Eugene Cernan, the first and last men to walk on the moon, respectively. This led to the University being known as “the birthplace of astronauts”. Many engineering disciplines are consistently ranked among the top ten programs in the US.
Purdue alumni have achieved recognition in a variety of fields, especially in the science and engineering industry. In the world of business and economics, alumni include Stephen Bechtel Jr., owner of Bechtel Corporation; Jeffrey Lacker, president of the Federal Reserve Bank; and Orville Redenbacher, entrepreneur and owner of the popcorn brand that bears his name.
In 2010, Bloomberg also revealed that Purdue was one of the universities in America with the most undergraduates serving as CEOs of major companies.

“For us, the organizers of the event, it is a great satisfaction to bring together so many important Brazilian and American companies with the purpose of creating synergy and new business. Having the support of Purdue University is proof that we are on the right path and providing this to our partners, customers and friends is always a goal to be achieved” comments Dr. Ricardo Cerqueira Leite, founding partner of Cerqueira Leite Advogados Associados and managing partner of Oneworld International Partners (OWIP).

For more information, visit the Purdue University website: https://www.purdue.edu/campuses/indianapolis/faq/

Other Supporting Companies

  • Columbia Club
  • OAB Seropédica
  • KLA
  • Partners Of The Americas
  • Started.Up
  • Craveiro Travel
  • Dima Investments
  • Immersaf Media
  • Banco Ourinvest
  • B|Fabbriani
  • APEC
  • Boldthink

About the International Business Summit 2023

With the aim of creating connections and generating business between Brazil and the United States, the “International Business Summit 2023”, takes place from May 24 to 28, in Indianapolis, Indiana, and includes a visit to the cabin at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, access to pilots and cabins, participation in the Parede Festival, which celebrates the race, its traditions and history and, of course, watching the Indy 500.

Without losing focus, those interested in doing business or investing abroad have, at the event, the opportunity to expand their business safely, with speakers from the sectors of technology, agribusiness, economics, internationalization, the real estate market, among others. On the occasion, it will be possible to learn about market trends and learn about the investment opportunities available in the region.

Oneworld International Partners

Marcos Strafacce

• Executivo com 25+ anos de experiência em altos cargos estratégicos de desenvolvimento e gerenciamento de negócios e projetos em multinacionais de médio e grande portes;

• Algumas dessas empresas: Shell Brasil, 3M do Brasil, Citibank Brasil, Citibank (New York), Cendant (New Jersey), RCI (New Jersey/Indianapolis), AGI (Colorado/California) & MasterCard Brasil.

• Formado em Marketing pela ESPM, possui um MBA em General Management da Columbia University – Business School em New York.

• Líder em processos de mudanças (VisaNet/ Cielo como adquirente MasterCard), tendo conduzido projetos de M&A (venda do Citibank Brasil para o Itaú), Business Turnaround (RCI) envolvendo o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de marketing, automação de processos, desenvolvendo parcerias estratégicas a fim de promover crescimento significativo aos negócios que comandou;

• Empresário especializado em Gestão de Mudanças, Gestão de Pessoas e em projetos de incorporação imobiliária de grande porte.

Karla Bledsoe

Karla Bledsoe, é jornalista e sócia da OneWorld International Partners. Tem vasta experiência em redes globais. Seu foco principal é levar seus clientes a implementar soluções internacionais, identificar e atrair oportunidades de investimentos internacionais. Nascida em Belo Horizonte, MG – Brasil, Karla se formou em Comunicação / Jornalismo pelo IESB (Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília) e trabalhou como repórter de TV por 2 anos no Brasil antes de imigrar para os Estados Unidos em 2003. Karla trabalhou como repórter para o Brazilian Press Newspaper em Nova Jersey e para o Power Play Studios em Nova York. Antes de se tornar sócia, Karla trabalhou em Investigações Internacionais de Propriedade Intelectual, Imigração e negócios de importação e exportação. Karla é sensível a clientes que falam português, inglês e espanhol – o que é essencial para fazer a ponte entre clientes e agências internacionais.

Ricardo Leite

Ricardo Leite, é o fundador da Cerqueira Leite Advogados e Associados no Brasil e sócio da OWP. Tem anos de experiência em fusões e aquisições, investimento internacional e no mercado de petróleo e gás. É Mestre em Direito Comercial Internacional (LL.M.) pela UC-Davis (Califórnia); MBA em Gestão Empresarial pelo INPG; Especialista em Direito Tributário pelo Centro de Extensão Universitária; Especialista em Direito Empresarial pela PUC / SP; Professor de Direito Comercial; Estudou Administração de Empresas na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas; Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de São Francisco; Membro da Comissão de Liberdade Religiosa e Direito da OAB/ SP a ponte entre clientes e agências internacionais.

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 3,000.00

Full event including race day

Name *
E-mail *
Phone *
Voucher (For Columbia's club members)

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 1,000.00

1 day of event: Doing Business in LATAM + Exclusive Dinner + Carb Day

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Phone *
Voucher (For Columbia's club members)

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 300.00

Carb Day Suite

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Phone *

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 450.00

Second day of the event: Doing Bussines in LATAM + Exclusive Dinner

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E-mail *
Phone *

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 300.00

Second day of the event: Doing Business in LATAM

Name *
E-mail *
Phone *

IBS Ticket 2024

U$ 300.00

First day of event: Doing Business in the US

Name *
E-mail *
Phone *

Ticket IBS 2024

U$ 3.000,00

Nome *
E-mail *
Telefone *

International Business Summit 2024

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International Business Summit 2024

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