With two law firms in India, one in New Delhi and one in Punjab, Thukral Law Group offers legal services to clients in over thirty countries around the world and now, represented by Karan S. Thukral has partnered with OneWorld International partners.
Every day more and more Indians are eager to internationalize their business ideas and reach new frontiers. However, they invariably encounter a complicated legal regime. The partnership with Karan S. Thukral, aims to provide its clients with ease in international business transactions and related legal perspectives, filling gaps when making real estate investments, establishing businesses, setting up companies or simply opening a bank account in a foreign country while are in their homes.
Together, OneWorld International Partners and Thukral Law Group are ready to help their clients explore the US and Brazilian market.
“We are very excited about this partnership to help Thukral Law Group clients explore and establish their business in the US or Brazil. We strongly believe that planning for internationalization safely makes all the difference to business success.” Says Karla Bledsoe.
The association is designed to help individuals and business people looking for new and profitable investment opportunities in the United States to live their dreams. Together with Karan S. Thukral’s law firm, OneWorld Interantional Partners is continuously working to make the entire process, from creating a business idea to immigration to the US, seamless and seamless.