One of the strong pillars of Oneworld is the growth based on the network of contacts. We believe that fostering a chain of people and organizations helps drive any business.
Following this philosophy, Oneworld brings the Global Investors Club to its partner base.
The Global Investors Club is formed by members who, in addition to capital, provide support with mentoring and consultancy for companies. All members are C-level entrepreneurs, from the largest companies in the world with experience in various sectors, who offer support to companies through mentoring, consulting and investment.
All members of the Global Investors Club intend to leverage entrepreneurship in Brazil and worldwide, investing and supporting new businesses.
The Global Investors Club has fostered the synergy of several startups in the areas of:
social impact
Marketing and Sales
Human Resources
Health and wellness
Transportation and logistics
Information Technology
It currently has more than 100 members, which generate over 150 thousand investors in the organization’s network.
Below are some of the most promising startups:

“We see the partnership with Oneworld in a very healthy way. It is a two-way street, we can connect our investors with their potential clients and, at the other point, offer the possibility of the internationalization of companies incubated with us, using all the expertise of Oneworld”. Concludes Eid Salomi, director of the Global Investors Club.
Eid Salomi holds a Bachelor of Business Administration (Univ. Mackenzie) and Electronics Engineer (Univ. Mackenzie) and Computer Science (Objective University), Master of Business Administration (FGV), Digital Transformation (Emeritus/MIT Sloan Education), + 38 years of experience in IT and Telecommunications Companies, Director of Global Investors Club, speaker, mentor and advisor.