Why Build Credit in the United States?

Building credit in the United States is crucial, as it provides access to loans with better terms and interest rates, opens up opportunities to obtain advantageous credit cards, makes it easier to rent real estate, can positively influence job opportunities and insurance premiums, in addition to simplify financial transactions and avoid security deposits. In this blog we will cover the steps to build credit.

Buying a car in the US can be an early step towards building credit for a few specific reasons:

Affordable loan: Buying a car often requires financing, and lenders are more willing to offer car loans to people with limited or no credit. This is because auto loans are often secured by the vehicle itself, which reduces the risk for the lender.

Loan Duration: Car loans generally have shorter repayment terms compared to other types of loans such as mortgages. This means that you can build credit in a relatively short period of time.

Smaller Loan Amount: Auto loans are often lower in value compared to larger loans like mortgages. This makes the payment of installments more feasible, facilitating the fulfillment of financial obligations.

Credit diversity: By financing a car purchase, you will be diversifying your credit portfolio, which is beneficial for building your credit history. Having different types of credit, such as car loans and credit cards, can improve your credit score.

Consistent payments: Making your monthly car loan payments on time and on schedule demonstrates financial responsibility, an important factor for lenders when evaluating your credit profile.

1- Minimum requirements:
To apply for funding, you must meet some minimum requirements, which include:
a) Valid passport.

b) Proof of residency in Florida. This proof can be the correspondence of the LLC (Limited Liability Company) created in Florida.

c) The last three bank statements of the customer. These statements can be from the customer’s bank in Brazil or the United States.

d) ITIN Number (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) – important for foreigners without a Social Security Number.

2- Car choice: OneWorld International Partners will be able to indicate some suppliers for you to choose the car model that suits you best.

3- Entry information: After selecting the desired car, you will inform the amount you intend to pay as entry. This information is important for the concessionaire, as it will be used in the financing request. This value is usually around 20%.

4- Financing options: The dealership works with different banks, each with its own rules and criteria. The seller will review the information you have provided and decide which bank is best suited for closing, taking into account the requirements of each financial institution. It is important to highlight that the rules and requirements may vary according to the chosen bank and your financial situation. Initially, the interest for foreigners may be higher, over time, however, they tend to reduce significantly.

5- Registration: You will have the option to register the car as an individual or legal entity. The vehicle must be financed in the name of the customer (as an individual), but may be registered with his LLC (Limited Liability Company). This approach will help both your personal and business credit, linking the EIN (Employer Identification Number) and ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) in the process, the registration can be carried out one week after the purchase.

6- Full Insurance: It will be mandatory to take out full insurance for the vehicle. This way, you will be protected in case of accidents, theft or other harmful events.

7- Lienholder in the Policy: The Lienholder, that is, the financial institution that grants the financing, must be included in the insurance policy. This ensures that the Lienholder is also protected in case of claims that may affect the vehicle.

The purchase of the car will be done electronically. You may purchase as an LLC or as an individual. When choosing to buy your car via LLC you will have a manager at the Florida LLC who will be responsible for resolving any issue related to the vehicle and the BVM (department equivalent to DETRAN). If you make the purchase option as an individual, you will need to leave a power of attorney on behalf of our administrative agent. This power of attorney will allow the agent to resolve any issues with the car, should the need arise.
Both options offer solutions to ensure agility and efficiency in resolving issues related to the car you purchased. You will be able to choose the option that best suits your needs and preferences during the purchase process.
After purchasing the car, it will be possible to generate passive income by leasing the vehicle.
If you are interested, we can discuss this topic in more detail.

Oneworld International Partners

Marcos Strafacce

• Executivo com 25+ anos de experiência em altos cargos estratégicos de desenvolvimento e gerenciamento de negócios e projetos em multinacionais de médio e grande portes;

• Algumas dessas empresas: Shell Brasil, 3M do Brasil, Citibank Brasil, Citibank (New York), Cendant (New Jersey), RCI (New Jersey/Indianapolis), AGI (Colorado/California) & MasterCard Brasil.

• Formado em Marketing pela ESPM, possui um MBA em General Management da Columbia University – Business School em New York.

• Líder em processos de mudanças (VisaNet/ Cielo como adquirente MasterCard), tendo conduzido projetos de M&A (venda do Citibank Brasil para o Itaú), Business Turnaround (RCI) envolvendo o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de marketing, automação de processos, desenvolvendo parcerias estratégicas a fim de promover crescimento significativo aos negócios que comandou;

• Empresário especializado em Gestão de Mudanças, Gestão de Pessoas e em projetos de incorporação imobiliária de grande porte.

Karla Bledsoe

Karla Bledsoe, é jornalista e sócia da OneWorld International Partners. Tem vasta experiência em redes globais. Seu foco principal é levar seus clientes a implementar soluções internacionais, identificar e atrair oportunidades de investimentos internacionais. Nascida em Belo Horizonte, MG – Brasil, Karla se formou em Comunicação / Jornalismo pelo IESB (Instituto de Educação Superior de Brasília) e trabalhou como repórter de TV por 2 anos no Brasil antes de imigrar para os Estados Unidos em 2003. Karla trabalhou como repórter para o Brazilian Press Newspaper em Nova Jersey e para o Power Play Studios em Nova York. Antes de se tornar sócia, Karla trabalhou em Investigações Internacionais de Propriedade Intelectual, Imigração e negócios de importação e exportação. Karla é sensível a clientes que falam português, inglês e espanhol – o que é essencial para fazer a ponte entre clientes e agências internacionais.

Ricardo Leite

Ricardo Leite, é o fundador da Cerqueira Leite Advogados e Associados no Brasil e sócio da OWP. Tem anos de experiência em fusões e aquisições, investimento internacional e no mercado de petróleo e gás. É Mestre em Direito Comercial Internacional (LL.M.) pela UC-Davis (Califórnia); MBA em Gestão Empresarial pelo INPG; Especialista em Direito Tributário pelo Centro de Extensão Universitária; Especialista em Direito Empresarial pela PUC / SP; Professor de Direito Comercial; Estudou Administração de Empresas na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas; Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de São Francisco; Membro da Comissão de Liberdade Religiosa e Direito da OAB/ SP a ponte entre clientes e agências internacionais.

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U$ 300.00

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U$ 300.00

First day of event: Doing Business in the US

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Ticket IBS 2024

U$ 3.000,00

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